Project Description

Neuroscientists need research subjects, and whether the subjects are animals or humans the relationship is complex and potentially fraught with conflicting interests. How can we enable researchers to advance knowledge and develop life-enhancing and life-saving treatments while protecting their subjects against a multitude of harms? What must a person understand to be able to consent to participate in research, and how can we ethically conduct research on individuals who cannot give informed consent? What unique ethical considerations arise in connection with animal subjects? What ethical challenges arise specifically in connection with neuroscience research? The goal of this unit is to familiarize students with the ethical dilemmas inherent in the conduct of research on human and animal brains, and equip them with knowledge of accepted principles and practices.
Cook-Deegan (2000) “Protecting the Vulnerable in Brain Research” Cerebrum (Dana Foundation Magazine) accessed online @…

DeGrazia, David. “The Ethics of Animal Research: What are the Prospects for Agreement?”…

Autumn Fiester, PhD
Dr. Fiester is the Director of Education in the Department of Medical Ethics at Penn. She received her PhD in moral philosophy from the University of Pennsylvania and her MA in sociology from Harvard University. Her research interests include animals & bioethics, clinical professionalism, and moral theory.