11/9 Adrian Raine on Brain Mechanisms and the Criminal Mind
Adrian Raine on Brain Mechanisms and the Criminal Mind The Philomathean Society presents a lectured titled, "Brain Mechanisms and the Criminal Mind: Neuroethical and Neurolegal Implications," by Dr. Adrian Raine. The talk will talk place this Thursday, Nov 9th at 5:30 pm in David Rittenhouse Labs room A2. Below you [...]
38th Annual MINS Symposium – Year of Psychedelics
Please join the Mahoney Institute for Neuroscience at their 38th Annual Symposium - Year of Psychedelics! When: April 12, 2023, from 8:00 am – 6:00pm in Where: Smilow Auditorium (The symposium will be held in person with remote capabilities) General Meeting Registration: https://hosting.med.upenn.edu/forms/INS/view.php?id=5971 POSTER SUBMISSIONS: We are currently welcoming poster [...]
Law & Neuroscience Works in Progress Workshop
Jane Moriarty will workshop her abstract (linked below) at this Law & Neuroscience Works in Progress session. Here are the logistical details: Tuesday, March 21, 2023 1 pm Pacific / 2 pm Mountain / 3 pm Central / 4 pm Eastern Zoom link: https://harvard.zoom.us/j/98655098225 PAPER: See attached a 1-page abstract [...]
Impact of US immigration policies on children: Allyson Mackey on WHYY
CNS faculty member Allyson Mackey was interviewed on WHYY’s Radio Times and explained the impact of child and family detention on children’s emotional and brain development. You can listen to the show here: https://whyy.org/episodes/the-consequences-of-us-immigration-policies-on-children/
2018 SCAN Retreat Recap
Each year, the CNS hosts a half-day retreat for all current and past students in the SCAN program. The 4th Annual SCAN Retreat took place earlier this February. Students and alumni came together for lunch, followed by a series of student presentations in which a few students gave brief overviews of the [...]
Lunch with Mike Gazzaniga CANCELED due to weather.
Watch for an announcement of a rescheduled visit in the fall!
CNS Undergraduate Fellows Program
The Center for Neuroscience & Society at the University of Pennsylvania is seeking applications from rising Penn juniors and seniors for its new group of CNS Undergraduate Fellows for 2018-19. This program is intended for students from any School or department who have identified an interest in exploring the intersection [...]
Sorting Brains Out: Tasks, Tests, and Trials in the Neuro- and Mind Sciences, 1890–2015
Penn's Department of History and Sociology of Science and Center for Neuroscience & Society are convening a conference on the continuities and discontinuities between contemporary neuroscience and its past, with special attention to the behavioral and social implications of brain science. Full program here. RSVP appreciated: pennbrains2015@gmail.com
Preceptorials on Neuroscience & Society
Undergraduates can explore different aspects of neuroscience and society in short, noncredit seminars scheduled throughout the academic year. You can check back here for detailed information as it becomes available, including course numbers and date/time. If you have any questions about these Preceptorials, please email penncns@gmail.com. Brave Neuro [...]
Penn Neuroscience & Society Public Talk Series (2024-25)
Each year the CNS Public Talk Series highlights an issue or theme. The 2024-25 Public Talk series theme is the Brain in Socioeconomic Context. Growing up in poverty puts children at risk for adverse outcomes, from academic failure to emotional distress. This year's talk series will explore the links [...]
Neuroscience Boot Camp
Neuroscience Boot Camp is on hiatus. Please join our mailing list to receive information other Center for Neuroscience & Society programs. Neuroscience is increasingly relevant to a number of professions and academic disciplines beyond its traditional medical applications. The Penn Neuroscience Boot Camp is designed to give participants a basic [...]
Conference on the Work of CNS’s Stephen Morse
The work of CNS Associate Director Stephen Morse will be the focus of a neurolaw meeting this June in Florence, Italy. The two-day meeting will bring together scholars in law, philosophy and psychiatry to discuss and celebrate Stephen's influential work on responsibility and criminal law. For more information, see http://neurolawconference.com.
CNS and the School of Arts and Sciences introduce SCAN
Penn's new certificate program in Social, Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience (SCAN) will enable graduate and professional students preparing for a wide range of careers to work knowledgeably with neuroscience. Rather than training future neuroscientists, the program’s aim is to supplement the education of people with expertise in other areas, enabling [...]
Law & Brain Student Group
The Law and Brain Student Group was active between 2009 and 2012, led by Penn Law students Ben Bumann and Gabriel Lazaro with the participation of many others. The group’s main activity was hosting a monthly lecture series, which brought to campus leaders in the field of neuroscience and law. [...]
MacArthur Stipends for Law Faculty to Neuroscience Bootcamp
The MacArthur Foundation Research Network on Law and Neuroscience (www.lawneuro.org) is sponsoring a limited number of stipends for law faculty to attend the Penn Neuroscience Bootcamp.
The International Neuroethics Society Announces Annual Meeting and Call for Abstracts
Abstract submission for the 2012 International Neuroethics Society meeting in New Orleans is now open. Abstracts should be up to 500 words (including title, author names and affiliations and references if applicable). At least one author must be an INS member and register for the Annual Meeting. Abstracts will be reviewed by the [...]
Penn’s Law & Brain Student Group featured in Penn News
Ever wonder about Penn's Law & Brain Student Group? Check out this terrific interview with Gabriel Lázaro, the student group's lead organizer: http://www.upenn.edu/pennnews/news/penn-s-law-and-brain-student-group-mines-intersection-neuroscience-society-and-courts
Brainwave 2012: Anjan Chatterjee + Sean Scully at the Rubin Museum of Art
Sean Scully + Anjan Chatterjee Abstract Cognition Saturday February 4, 2012 @ 2:45 PM The Irish-born painter Sean Scully is best known for his abstract stripe paintings. Twice nominated for the Turner Prize, Scully’s 2007 installation Wall of Light toured extensively before a well-received sojourn at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Anjan [...]
Brain imaging in psychiatry – a joint workshop with the Hastings Center
Psychiatric diseases are diseases of the brain, but can we diagnose them with brain imaging? Can neuroimaging guide treatment plans? Help redesign the DSM? The Penn PCNS hosted a February workshop, led by Erik Parens of Hastings and supported by the Dana Foundation, that brought together physicians, neuroscientists, social scientists [...]
Center for Neuroscience and Society Opens at the University of Pennsylvania
PHILADELPHIA -- The University of Pennsylvania has launched the Penn Center for Neuroscience and Society, a cross-disciplinary endeavor to increase understanding of the impact of neuroscience on society through research and teaching and to encourage the responsible use of neuroscience for the benefit of humanity. The announcement was made today [...]
Penn Will Host First Neuroscience Boot Camp Aug. 6; News Media Welcome
PHILADELPHIA -- Psychologists, neuroscientists, legal scholars and faculty from the University of Pennsylvania are hosting Penn’s first Neuroscience Boot Camp, a nine-day seminar devoted to educating academics, legal and business professionals, economists, medical ethicists, policy makers, philosophers and writers on the impact of emerging neuroscience research and to foster an [...]