
Summer Neuroethics & Neurolaw Research Positions at the Neurotech Justice Accelerator at Mass General Brigham (NJAM)

ROLLING REVIEW OF APPLICATIONS –– APPLY TODAY Apply here The Neurotech Justice Accelerator at Mass General Brigham (NJAM), a Dana Center Initiative, is currently reviewing applications for its inaugural cohort of undergraduate and graduate fellows for the Neurotech Justice Accelerator Summer Research Program. NJAM will train the next generation of neuroscience and society leaders [...]

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Call for Session Proposals for Neuroethics 2025

The International Neuroethics Society (INS) and Società Italiana di Neuroetica (SINe) invite students, researchers, and professionals from around the world to submit session proposals for Neuroethics 2025. Proposals may align with the meeting’s theme — ‘Neuroethics at the Intersection of the Brain and Artificial Intelligence’ — but this is not required as all topics related [...]

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Neuroethics Book Club’s Inaugural Meeting

The Public Communication and Publishing Affinity Group of the INS is excited to announce the Neuroethics Book Club — a new opportunity to examine novel neuroethics topics addressed in popular science literature. The club’s first reading will be chapters from Conviction: The Making and Unmaking of the Violent Brain by INS member Oliver Rollins. [...]

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Call for papers in neuroethics and AI

BMC Neuroscience has issued a call for papers that examine issues at the intersection of neuroethics and AI. Submissions may address questions such as ethical considerations in neuroenhancement, patient rights in neuromodulation therapies, neuroethics of brain-computer interfaces, AI and informed consent, ethical dilemmas in cognitive enhancement research, and more. The guest editors for [...]

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EPNA Call for Papers in Neuroethics Now Open

The ERA-NEURON Networks is issuing the ‘Excellent Paper in Neuroscience Award - Neuroscience’ with a focus on the ethical, legal, and social aspects (ELSA) of neuroscience. Sole authors from ERA-NEURON partner countries that have published original research articles with this topical focus between January 1, 2020 and December 31, 2023 [...]

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Call for Papers – Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Neuroenhancement: Current Developments and Impact on the Individual and Society

Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Neuroenhancement: Current Developments and Impact on the Individual and Society. Conference data: December 10-12, 2024. Location: University of Bielefeld, Center for Interdisciplinary Research, ZiF, Bielefeld, Germany Travel support: Accepted speakers will receive meals at the conference, accommodation (organized by the conference), and transportation (approximately 100€ for guests from Germany, 300€ [...]

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11/9 Adrian Raine on Brain Mechanisms and the Criminal Mind

Adrian Raine on Brain Mechanisms and the Criminal Mind The Philomathean Society presents a lectured titled, "Brain Mechanisms and the Criminal Mind: Neuroethical and Neurolegal Implications," by Dr. Adrian Raine. The talk will talk place this Thursday, Nov 9th at 5:30 pm in David Rittenhouse Labs room A2. Below you [...]

Intergenerational influences on brain development

Many societal influences on brain function occur through prenatal, perinatal and epigenomic mechanisms.  Lifespan Brain Institute (LiBI) will present a full day of talks, plus opportunities to discuss over lunch, on October 3rd.  More details and registration here:

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Penn Bioethics Seminar Series

The Bioethics department at the University of Penn hosts a seminar series annually. To kick off the semester, they will have John H. Evans, PhD lead a seminar titled, "The Ethics of Human Brain Organoids and Human-Animal Neural Chimeras Among U.S. Bioethicists and Public." Details can be found on the [...]

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BRAIN Initiative NEWG Workshop 7/17-7/18

Workshop on Ethics of Sharing Individual Level Human Brain Data Collected in Biomedical Research July 17th and 18th, 2023 The NIH BRAIN Initiative is at the forefront of data sharing in neuroscience (see NOT-MH-19-010). As such, it also has an opportunity to carefully consider the ethical challenges involved, especially with the [...]

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International Neuroethics Society (INS) call for proposals and abstracts!

The International Neuroethics Society (INS) invites students, researchers, and professionals from around the world to submit session proposals and abstracts for research presentations (in the form of posters and talks) for Neuroethics 2024, scheduled on April 17-19, 2024. The meeting includes opportunities to participate virtually or in person in Baltimore, MD, [...]

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Neuroethics Essay Contest – Submit by July 7th!

We are pleased to announce the essay call for Neuroethics Essay Contest in 2023 and the addition of a new video essay category open to all eligible authors. The contest encourages students and trainees to engage in complex ethical issues related to the brain and mind that impact society and their communities. Through their [...]

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38th Annual MINS Symposium – Year of Psychedelics

Please join the Mahoney Institute for Neuroscience at their 38th Annual Symposium - Year of Psychedelics! When: April 12, 2023, from 8:00 am – 6:00pm in Where: Smilow Auditorium (The symposium will be held in person with remote capabilities) General Meeting Registration:   POSTER SUBMISSIONS:  We are currently welcoming poster [...]

Law & Neuroscience Works in Progress Workshop

Jane Moriarty will workshop her abstract (linked below) at this Law & Neuroscience Works in Progress session. Here are the logistical details: Tuesday, March 21, 2023 1 pm Pacific / 2 pm Mountain / 3 pm Central / 4 pm Eastern Zoom link:   PAPER: See attached a 1-page abstract [...]

Penn Psychedelic Collaborative hosts PhilaDelic Conference (July 13-July 15)

PhilaDelic  July 13th - 15th ||  (Instagram, Twitter) Abstract submission link - April 15th Deadline  Description: Join the Penn Psychedelic Collaborative from July 13th - 15th 2023 for PhilaDelic, an interdisciplinary conference that will highlight novel scholarship, reflect on the field’s history, and challenge us to imagine the possibilities for the future. PhilaDelic is creating an [...]

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Lecture on, “Flowers for Algernon,” by Daniel Keyes and the Dilemmas of Military Neuroenhancement

Lukasz Kamienski, PhD Associate Professor, Faculty of International and Political Studies Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes and the Dilemmas of Military Neuroenhancement Science fiction has long inspired scientific and engineering research. As the genre tends to focus on worst-case scenarios of technology development and implementation, it [...]

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Summer 2023 – Research Experience for Undergraduates

The CNT at the University of Washington (UW) sponsors a 10-week Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) on the Seattle campus.  This program provides undergraduate students with opportunities to work on research projects with scientists and to take part in workshop training sessions in ethics, communications, and scientific presentation skills designed to provide [...]

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Law & Neuroscience Works in Progress Workshop

Law & Neuroscience Works in Progress Workshop TO JOIN the workshop, please click here to join the email list. Once you’re on the list you will receive an invite with the Zoom link for each session. You will also receive the papers before each workshop.   Description: This workshop is an opportunity [...]

Categories: CNS News|

Two great Neuroethics podcast episodes from the Franklin Institute

CNS faculty Anna Wexler and Roy Hamilton explore the ethics of cutting edge neuroscience with Franklin Institute Chief Bioscientist (and CNS Fellow!) Jayatri Das. Have a listen here: “What’s Fair When it Comes to the Brain?” And here: “Using Magnetic Fields to Treat Depression”

Categories: CNS News|

Congressional BRAIN Initiative Briefing on Neuroethics

On Thursday, June 23 (12:00 PM EST), the Congressional BRAIN Initiative is hosting a virtual briefing celebrating the Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies (BRAIN) Initiative and the researchers who are helping advance our understanding of the body’s most complex organ. In recent years we have seen unprecedented progress in [...]

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